Set The Record Straight [Letter]
Saturday June 28, 2014 11:43PM

Dear Alex Wood Stiff;

    I am a former member of a band we were in together, called "Kosmik Debris" back in 1996, though I missed the recording sessions with "Jerry Garcia Band"'s 1986 drummer at his studio in 1997 at which you and your cousin William HarrisonMeyle, Peter Constantinidis, Conner (Cruz?), and Pat (though I think I saw his name signed on a wall in Ann Arbor, MI years later the name escapes me) attended and used my garage recorded vocals here and there to include me, having written the harmonies. I later missed the band reunion at "Summer Sundog Shakedown" and am still in a shameful misery having done so. Please record again some music to call our own, this time with "Broken Records" presents: "OZENOZ:ONE". ("OZENOZ AND EMINEM"... "and after all, we're only ordinary men...") I have listed the numbers I feel you would (forgive me) make "LIVE HITS" (rather than "DEAD ONES") with "The Record Company" with an asterix (*).
    Track Listing:
    1."Rest In Peace" - A very short, violent statement about what came to be of an unnamed thug who went on too many killing sprees unjustified, and got his "two to the head".
    2. "Skills"- A very free, "SIMPLE" JAM with true spit about some of the most amazing and death defying shit that has happened to me.
    3. "Hood Rat"- A very simple, ass thumping for those who need to know the order of the world we live in better than the ears they appeal all too often.
    4."The Saint"- A very disillusioned, innocent and confused comment on the nature of my life's work being tampered with.
    5."The Missing Peace"- A very "RAP GOD" speed, quick whitted, nutty piece about not owning "Us and Them" or how we are not ordinary men.
    6."We Are My Home"- A very dropped D, power chord crunching and riveting rip through the walls of my rubber chicken and the room in which I BIT no shit.
    7."Spike"- A very double edged, two sided coin, tongue and cheek putting me to peace, in this piece.
    *8."Broken"- A very HIT, written HIT with use of the chords in THAT HIT done backwards with Emajor, Dmajor, Aminor, and open strum to an Emajor chord in the HIT CHORUS. Call me and listen to it before I HIT you with another HIT, if you like.
    *9."Goodbye Love"- Very simply the best writing I have ever done in my entire life put to an alternate tuning with a minor arpeggio, then a minor chord (open ringing) progression with "August"'s chord progression from "Crazy Train" ("Anyday, anyday now, change will come to the part of you that matters most") dropped a third and an open major chord bridge part. Moves them to tears, read it and weep. Just don't come crying to me, get over IT. We are good. Anyday now.
    *10."We Are On Our Way"- A very dropped guitar low E string to a G, starts with a catchy phrase out of a Dmajor, a run, and moving to a G major which is the primary (and once got me a damned near riot in Pacific Beach) part of the chorus. Has an open diad and triad finger picked part as a bridge in Em I believe, and a bubbly three part descending triad hip hop guitar line for the "spoken word" section. Three part harmonies that are so far from the guitar melody, and so ear catching, and so very good, that I will get to watch "The Record Company" get it played "Live from Red Rocks" over twenty million times on YouTube. Atleast I don't TOTALLY miss out on the show!
    11. "Just kNOw"- A very somber, psyche rock minor melody, chromatic descending piano piece and the words that come along with it and tell the story of my melodramatic, unsympathetic ear to the very best my life has to offer, and yours too my friend.
    *12. "No Dice"- A very highly amusing letter I wrote to Marshall Mathers about the several times we have bumped into each other and other stuff.
    13. "OZENOZ AND EMINEM"- A very...well...a highly...uhh...I mean..."and after all, we're only ordinary men". All except you and me. Say that last sentence again. "Sounds like". I'll accept you and me...LOSEthe rights to this one. But get mad airplay, bitches. Two to the head, too, sooner or later.
    Alex, I haven't done myself thorough justice so far as far as keeping in touch is concerned. Perhaps I have felt a bit overshadowed until recently by my own lack of success after such eager invites by you in early years to come out to the west coast and try my hand at playing the part of the professional. Over the years I have learned so much by watching your career. I wrote a piece for my blog, which recieved 93,000 hits in 9 months, about your career. I remember quite a bit of the things which should be included in your personal "Wikipedia" entry (As well as "The Record Company"'s) including "The Rose That Grew From Concrete", "Fourth Avenue Jones", "Stiff", "", and "The Frequency". I guess I should cut to the chase here, sorry, I'm a bit nervous. PROMISE.
    I have written a "concept" album under the pen name "OZENOZ" which is included here in lyrical form. It has a story line, and reads quite well, so please give it a whirl. "Broken", "Goodbye Love", and  "I Am On My Way" are all exceptionally well written pieces which I have completed on acoustic guitar and vocal melodies and harmonies. "I Am On My Way" is a three part harmony piece that screams "The Record Company" indeed. I have been very well recieved in my travels playing these songs, all three have HITpotential. As does the rest of the album. But not without you. PROMISE.
    I am not picky as to what happens here in the sound. I am workable, with you on board to eliminate "No Dice", but I am not sucking a fag, we have a lucky number, in fact four. The album, it is unbelieveably fucking good, and entirely fucking true from beginning to end. As am I. I have no studio, no equipment ("save my Franny"...a rusty Franciscan acoustic) and no way of obtaining them nor the skill set required to make what could be a musical masterpiece. I would not expect to perform it with you (or at all, well, maybe just once if we could get EMINEM) and would give you whatever you ask for as far as the money, royalties, etc. are concerned. You would retain the right to use any and all of the songs at will for any project you are in, and I would be honored if you would do so. Without you, I am but a mere writer with an ingenius logo, ingenius name and domain name (OZENOZ.COM) ,incredible lyrics, a great concept, three written possible blues based jam band hits, and no recording. With you, we a have mutually shared success of one side project. PROMISE.
    I am a writer. I think it is overkill, but anything, to convince you. I have three suspense thrillers I am halfway through, a serial killer trilogy, and an Independent Film Comedy "INGENIUS"script on the way just to name a few of the things on my desktop. Also I have a work I am writing on Fusion Physics. I will include it in it's incomplete form here. I have included here the script for the film "Telemarketers", what I will be using my royalties to do once we have completed our project. I can do this anytime because, "Workin'", "Ego Is The Drug", and "VW Girl", have been good to me. We are not, nor ever will be in a band together again, if I have anything to do with it. Just a little joke, there. PROMISE!
    In conclusion, it is good. And will make us both a lot of money. And perhaps (Not my call) "The Record Company" a hit. I will stay in the background as the writer if that comes to pass, and I do believe it will, from "Broken", "I Am On My Way", AND "Goodbye Love". Get my back, Alex, you won't ever have to, ever again. To have "Promise" is like "The Golden Road of Unlimited Devotion". We never lose them, or ourselves. Give me a holler. I will give you some ill spit and shit, and some chords and melody to match your phrasing! And a whole lotta dollars and sense!!! "Just Know", "Us and Them" ("OZENOZ AND EMINEM"), and "We Are On Our Way"! PROMISE!

Love Ya Brother,   

 P.S. I got "SKILLS", Skills got me. Make me "DEAD" and set me free...

- For those of you who would like to know, I believe I do know Alex Wood Stiff's reply. It goes kind of like this: "Rest in peace, hood rat! Skills? The SAINT?! The missing peace! We are my home. Spike, broken. Goodbye love. We are on our way. Just know. No dice."

 El Stiffo

P.S. No fag. Just no. Two to the head.

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