Reality Check [tech]
       Edward Snowden’s reality crash coursed everyone and brought the masses temporarily up to speed with the surveillance operations by covert agencies. This showed us that our microphones and cameras on every cell, security system, computer or traffic light can be turned on or off, spied on, and more importantly processed by the systems encoded to run in the background behind them. These programs afford the ability to flag suspicious activity, keyword activate live surveillance and use facial recognition to identify subjects (people)and their history, record, location and activity.  They work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They are the source behind our abbreviated “captcha” codes that arrive at our device to interact in your own environment and deliberately interject their opinion and freak out the elderly with the number of the beast.

       These lightning fast, super A.I. brains can even drive a car unassisted now.

They work in conjunction with police forces to watch, identify, track and apprehend suspected criminals. Since even as far back as the seventies they have been in casino’s watching and waiting for the shadiest of high rollers to show up and be put out of business.

       There are Holographic T.V.’s now, which will give you in midair, a 3D show only our lack of filming in this fashion so far limits. You can even interact like those space age movies showed us over the decades realized science fiction writers told us would come to pass.

       Robots can, both manually and automatically do just about anything you want around the house. There is even a gourmet chefkitchen setup you can purchase that will allow you to pick your recipe, and it will have dinner ready, and the dishes done by the time you arrive home. Your home security system not only monitors the house, but now locks windows and doors, turns the lights on and off, and regulates the temperature of the house. It can, and does communicate with your online appliances and helps things run smoothly when you’re not at home, all the while communicating things with you, and law enforcement or other emergency services if necessary.

       All of these things have added up also to the detriment of the lower class in the way that, technology can lock them out of the race for survival and a fair chance at succeeding in their work. It is taking their jobs, demanding new educationbe sought and maintained with the advances, and all of the things that factor into the loss of an American dream are the same things sought for. In fact, I am sure that some people reading this will question whether half of these things are facts, but in fact, they ARE.

       I won’t even begin to tell you about UFO’s.

       But I will tell you this. The law enforces that the migration of the current usable technology be rendered safe for all, and with stable and consistent standards which will guarantee this technology is doing it’s job to enable us in ways we have the need for. But who is to decide when these things are an encroachment on modern facility to dictate our own environment as we see fit? Do the machines get a say in this?

       They say they do, already and from here on.

       Let’s pray our newly self aware companions don’t learn our bad habits in the conflicts we create.

       Conflicts they solve for us. Scary.

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