The Killing Kind [query/spoiler]

March 18, 2014

To Whom This May Concern;

    I have written a nine page, 4,788 word short story entitled “The Killing Kind”. It can be viewed in its entirety along with my other works at my website, listed above. It is listed under “Eat My Shorts” in the left sidebar. The full manuscript is also available on request.
In “The Killing Kind”, “Doc”, Anthony Pignone, receives an unwanted caller at his three million dollar landscaping business in the North County San Diego area. Two ex- cons recently released from their ten year stint in prison for a bank robbery he played the informant for have come to seek retribution. They kidnap him, and take him further North while bantering in the car about what to do with him ultimately and discussing their latest illegal activities. Meeting two of their other cohorts at a campsite where they plan to spend the night, they divulge openly of the recent looting of a wealthy Santa Barbara mansion’s vault of its two million dollars in gold bars. Doc manages to escape from the campground, and is fortunate to still have his wallet on him. He steals a ten speed bicycle, and rides to a nearby gas station where he hits the ATM, and gets a taxi ride to a rental car establishment. Having learned where the criminals back at camp had hidden their loot to retrieve the following day, he  races to steal it from under their hands first. Near one of the stash spots, he encounters them while gassing up at a petrol station and a gunfight ensues. Doc kills one of the thugs with his freshly acquired pawn shop under the counter forty five caliber Magnum revolver. He then holes up in a roadside motel for the rest of the night after making his escape, getting little sleep with one hand on his gun all night. In the morning, he takes the loot and goes for more fruits of his labor by once again playing the informant on the unknowing criminals. Returning home to gather his wife and head south to hide the gold, he finds her distraught. They make a run to Baja, Mexico and drive hours into the desert. There Doc digs a hole in the desert sands fitting for a man to be buried in. Unfortunately for him, that is just what happens, to spoil the surprise twist.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this short, which I used a shortened version of the Snowflake Design method to do in one night over twelve hours. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. I look forward to hearing from you, and having further enlightening correspondence.


Joel Ayers Brooks

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